2020年4月6日 星期一

鹹味香料貝果 Savory Bagels

調整煮糖水時間:每一面 20~30 秒 

【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 山茶花法國麵包粉/Baguette flour:180g
  2. 裸麥粉/Rye flour:20g
  3. 葡萄乾酵種/ Dried grape starter:100g 【可參考連結/Check the link】:【How to Grow Dried Grapes Starter】
  4. 白神酵母:5g 【白神こだま酵母】(這可省略,但發酵的時間會增加很多)
  5. 水/Water:120g
  6. 糖/Sugar:12g 
  7. 鹽 / Salt:4g
  8. 無鹽奶油/Unsalted butter:20g (8%)
  9. 百里香/Thime
  10. 巴西里/Parsley
  11. 黑胡椒鹽/Salt & pepper
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~7 加入攪拌缸,用麵糰勾配件,攪拌1分鐘後檢查水含量,如果感覺不夠濕,少量加入水。繼續再攪拌2分鐘左右,然後蓋上濕布,靜置20分鐘(自我水解)。Put ingredients 1~7 in the mixing bowl. Use dough-hook attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed. After mixing  for about 1 minute, check the dough and see if the liquid in the dough is enough. If not, add water little by little. Then continue mixing for 1~2 minutes. Rest for 20 mins (autolize).
  2. 自我水解後,繼續以麵糰勾配件攪拌,奶油丁一塊一塊慢慢放入,攪拌均勻。然後加入香料、胡椒鹽(材料9~11)。最後要攪拌至撐出薄膜。After autolize, continue mixing the dough with dough hook attachment. Then add butter cubes, one after one, into the dough. Then add ingredients 9~11 into the dough, and continue mixing the dough till the dough can show windowpane
  3. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
  4. 取出麵糰,滾圓,放進容器,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。Remove the dough to a floured surface. Shape the dough into a boule and put it back to a bigger bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double in size.  I use 

    KitchenAid KSM1CBT Precise Heat Mixing Bowl to ferment.

    Before 1st fermentation

    90℉ / 2:00

    KitchenAid KSM1CBT Precise Heat Mixing Bowl For Tilt-Head Stand Mixers

    After 1st fermentation

  5. 將第一次發酵好的麵糰取出,分成四等份(約 114g),滾圓,鬆弛 10~15 分鐘。After the first fermentation, take the dough out on a floured surface. Divide the dough in 4 equal portions.   Shape every portion into a boule, and let it rest for 10~15 mins.
  6. 【以下為幾年前紀錄,把它拷貝過來。】將每一份麵糰擀成橄欖形。After resting for 10 ~15 mins, shape the dough like the photo below.

用雙手搓成這形狀,接口要捏很緊不然烤時會裂開。搓揉手勢請參考 Youtube 的
高雄餐旅學校麵包達人教你做高水準的法國麵包 Part 2
只要看後半部就好!Check the link to see the skills of shaping this.

Shape the dough like a baguette.

Press one side flat.

Make a circle. 
These are today's bagels.
第二次發酵,約 30 分鐘。
Let the bagels ferment for the second time. It will take 30 mins.

第二次發酵完成,接著要把貝果煮過糖水再進烤箱。After the second fermentation, the bagel dough has to be cooked in sugar water before baking.

【糖水/Sugar water】800cc 水/water + 2T 糖/sugar

第二次發酵好的貝果,先煮背面,再翻正面,各煮 20 秒。煮好瀝乾再放回烤盤。Each side of the bagel dough needs to be cooked for 20 seconds.

用這種中間有洞的鍋剷很方便,不會黏bagel,撈起時順便可瀝乾。放回烤盤,進烤箱約烤 19 分鐘。

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260/上下火/層2/210℃/19mins

2020年4月5日 星期日

檸檬酵種貝果 Lime Starter Bagels

【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉/Bread flour:100%(200g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:50%(110g, 今天多倒了一些)

  3. 白神酵母:5g 【白神こだま酵母】(這可省略,但發酵的時間會增加很多)
  4. 水/Water:120g
  5. 糖/Sugar:13g 
  6. 鹽 / Salt:4g
  7. 無鹽奶油/Unsalted butter:20g (8%)
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~6 加入攪拌缸,用麵糰勾配件,攪拌1分鐘後檢查水含量,如果感覺不夠濕,少量加入水。繼續再攪拌2分鐘左右,然後蓋上濕布,靜置20分鐘(自我水解)。Put ingredients 1~6 in the mixing bowl. Use dough-hook attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed. After mixing  for about 1 minute, check the dough and see if the liquid in the dough is enough. If not, add water little by little. Then continue mixing for 1~2 minutes. Rest for 20 mins (autolize).
  2. 自我水解後,繼續以麵糰勾配件攪拌,奶油丁一塊一塊慢慢放入,攪拌均勻。最後要攪拌至撐出薄膜。After autolize, continue mixing the dough with dough hook attachment. Then add butter cubes, one after one, into the dough, till the dough can show windowpane
  3. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
  4. 取出麵糰,滾圓,放進容器,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。Remove the dough to a floured surface. Shape the dough into a boule and put it back to a bigger bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double in size.  I use 

    KitchenAid KSM1CBT Precise Heat Mixing Bowl to ferment.

    90℉ / 2:00

    KitchenAid KSM1CBT Precise Heat Mixing Bowl For Tilt-Head Stand Mixers

  5. 將第一次發酵好的麵糰取出,分成四等份(約 110g),滾圓,鬆弛 10~15 分鐘。After the first fermentation, take the dough out on a floured surface. Divide the dough in 4 equal portions.   Shape every portion into a boule, and let it rest for 10~15 mins.
  6. 【以下為幾年前紀錄,把它拷貝過來。】將每一份麵糰擀成橄欖形。After resting for 10 ~15 mins, shape the dough like the photo below.

用雙手搓成這形狀,接口要捏很緊不然烤時會裂開。搓揉手勢請參考 Youtube 的
高雄餐旅學校麵包達人教你做高水準的法國麵包 Part 2
只要看後半部就好!Check the link to see the skills of shaping this.

Shape the dough like a baguette.

Press one side flat.

Make a circle. 

第二次發酵,約 30 分鐘。
Let the bagels ferment for the second time. It will take 30 mins.

第二次發酵完成,接著要把貝果煮過糖水再進烤箱。After the second fermentation, the bagel dough has to be cooked in sugar water before baking.

【糖水/Sugar water】750cc 水/water + 1T 糖/sugar

第二次發酵好的貝果,先煮背面,再翻正面,各煮 15 秒。煮好瀝乾再放回烤盤。Each side of the bagel dough needs to be cooked for 20 seconds.

用這種中間有洞的鍋剷很方便,不會黏bagel,撈起時順便可瀝乾。放回烤盤,進烤箱約烤 19 分鐘。

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260/上下火/2/210℃/19mins

2020年4月4日 星期六

檸檬種原味貝果 Lime Starter Bagels

【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉/Bread flour:100%(200g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:50%(100g)

  3. 白神酵母:5g 【白神こだま酵母】
  4. 水/Water:120g
  5. 糖/Sugar:10g 
  6. 鹽 / Salt:4g
  7. 無鹽奶油/Unsalted butter:20g (8%)
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~6 加入攪拌缸,用麵糰勾配件,攪拌1分鐘後檢查水含量,如果感覺不夠濕,少量加入水。繼續再攪拌2分鐘左右,然後蓋上濕布,靜置20分鐘(自我水解)。Put ingredients 1~6 in the mixing bowl. Use dough-hook attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed. After mixing  for about 1 minute, check the dough and see if the liquid in the dough is enough. If not, add water little by little. Then continue mixing for 1~2 minutes. Rest for 20 mins (autolize).
  2. 自我水解後,繼續以麵糰勾配件攪拌,奶油丁一塊一塊慢慢放入,攪拌均勻。最後要攪拌至撐出薄膜。After autolize, continue mixing the dough with dough hook. Then add butter cubes, one after one, into the dough, till the dough can show windowpane
  3. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
  4. 取出麵糰,滾圓,放進容器,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。Remove the dough  to a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it back to a bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double the size.  

    90℉ / 2:00

  5. 將第一次發酵好的麵糰取出,分成四等份(約 110g),滾圓,鬆弛 10 分鐘。After the first fermentation, take the dough out on a floured surface. Divide the dough in 4 equal portions. Round up every portion and let it rest for 10 mins.
  6. 【以下為幾年前紀錄,把它拷貝過來。】將每一份麵糰擀成橄欖形。After resting for 10 mins, shape the dough like the photo below.

用雙手搓成這形狀,接口要捏很緊不然烤時會裂開。搓揉手勢請參考 Youtube 的
高雄餐旅學校麵包達人教你做高水準的法國麵包 Part 2
只要看後半部就好!Check the link to see the skills of shaping this.

Shape the dough like a baguette.

Press one side flat.

Make a circle. 

第二次發酵,約 30 分鐘。
Let the bagels ferment for the second time. It will take 30 mins.

第二次發酵完成,接著要把貝果煮過糖水再進烤箱。After the second fermentation, the bagel dough has to be cooked in sugar water before baking.

【糖水/Sugar water】750cc 水/water + 1T 糖/sugar

第二次發酵好的貝果,先煮背面,再翻正面,各煮 15 秒。煮好瀝乾再放回烤盤。Each side of the bagel dough needs to be cooked for 15 seconds.

用這種中間有洞的鍋剷很方便,不會黏bagel,撈起時順便可瀝乾。放回烤盤,進烤箱約烤 19 分鐘。

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260/上下火/2/200℃/19mins

Today's bagels

2020年4月3日 星期五



【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉/Bread flour:100%(200g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:50%(100g)

  3. 白神酵母:5g 【白神こだま酵母】
  4. 水/Water:95g
  5. 糖/Sugar:25g (10%)
  6. 鹽 / Salt:3g (<1.8%)
  7. 肉桂粉/Cinnamon powder:5g
  8. 肉豆蔻粉/Nutmeg powder:1g
  9. 無鹽奶油/Unsalted butter:20g (8%)
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~8 加入攪拌缸,用麵糰勾配件,攪拌1分鐘後檢查水含量,如果感覺不夠濕,少量加入水。繼續再攪拌2分鐘左右,然後蓋上濕布,靜置20分鐘(自我水解)。Put ingredients 1~8 in the mixing bowl. Use dough-hook attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed. After mixing  for about 1 minute, check the dough and see if the liquid in the dough is enough. If not, add water little by little. Then continue mixing for 1~2 minutes. Rest for 20 mins (autolize).
  2. 自我水解後,繼續以麵糰勾配件攪拌,奶油丁一塊一塊慢慢放入,攪拌均勻。最後要攪拌至撐出薄膜。After autolize, continue mixing the dough with dough hook. Then add butter cubes, one after one, into the dough, till the dough can show windowpane
  3. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
  4. 取出麵糰,滾圓,放進容器,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。Remove the dough  to a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it back to a bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double the size.  

    90℉ / 2:00

  5. Then check the link to learn the skills of shaping the cinnamon buns {Beautiful vegan Swedish cinnamon buns}

  1. Filling
    • 100g demerara sugar
    • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
    • 2 tbsp corn flour
    • 60ml vegetable oil
    • 1 tbsp boiling water
    • 1 tsp demerara sugar
    • Pearl sugar or chopped almonds, for sprinkling (optional)

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260/上下火/2/200℃/20mins

2020年4月2日 星期四

天然檸檬種肉桂捲 Lime Starter Cinnamon Buns

今天的麵糰很優,可是捲得不夠美 ^^


【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉/Bread flour:100%(230g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:50%(115g)

  3. 白神酵母:5g 【白神こだま酵母】
  4. 蛋/Egg:1 顆(52g)
  5. 牛奶/Milk:95g
  6. 糖/Sugar:28g (10%)
  7. 鹽 / Salt:5g (<1.8%)
  8. 肉桂粉/Cinnamon powder:6g
  9. 肉豆蔻粉/Nutmeg powder:2g
  10. 無鹽奶油/Unsalted butter:23g (8%)
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~9 加入攪拌缸,用麵糰勾配件,攪拌1分鐘後檢查水含量,如果感覺不夠濕,少量加入水。繼續再攪拌2分鐘左右,然後蓋上濕布,靜置20分鐘(自我水解)。Put ingredients 1~9 in the mixing bowl. Use dough-hook attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed. After mixing  for about 1 minute, check the dough and see if the liquid in the dough is enough. If not, add water little by little. Then continue mixing for 1~2 minutes. Rest for 20 mins (autolize).
  2. 自我水解後,繼續以麵糰勾配件攪拌,奶油丁一塊一塊慢慢放入,攪拌均勻。最後要攪拌至撐出薄膜。After autolize, continue mixing the dough with dough hook. Then add butter cubes, one after one, into the dough, till the dough can show windowpane
  3. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
  4. Then check the link to learn the skills of shaping the cinnamon buns {Beautiful vegan Swedish cinnamon buns}

    • 100g demerara sugar
    • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
    • 2 tbsp corn flour
    • 60ml vegetable oil
    • 1 tbsp boiling water
    • 1 tsp demerara sugar
    • Pearl sugar or chopped almonds, for sprinkling (optional)

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260/上下火/2/180℃/23mins







先倒入 111g 的葡萄乾酵母液(隨意)



2 小時後,葡萄乾酵種膨脹兩倍多。

約 3 小時後

可早晚餵養麵粉+水,比例都是 1:1。如不餵養,則可放冰箱冷藏,