田裏鮮摘萊姆,活力旺盛。 Freshly picked limes from our farm are just perfect for making a bread starter. |
【Ratio For Making Bread Starter With Fruit】
Roughly ratio, doesn't need to be accurate.
清水洗淨擦乾,帶皮切丁。 Cleaned and wiped dry. Chopped the limes in cubes. |
因為容器關係,約加 570g 的水,再取出一些萊姆丁, 加入 50g 上白糖,攪拌均勻。 Weigh the fruit. Then add water and sugar. Stir completely. |
搖晃後已有泡泡,鮮摘水果果然不同凡響。 The lime are so fresh that the mixture has bubbles immediately. |
- This is what you have to do for Day 1.
- The next day Day 2, you have to open the lid, let more air in. Then cover the lid and shake. Most of the lime cubes will floating to the top, and there will be some bubbles on the surface of the lime and the top of the water.
- Day 3 and after, repeat step 2 and there will be more and more bubbles.
- Around Day 5, you can strain the liquid and this liquid is the yeast you are going to use for making bread.