2018年10月30日 星期二



  1. 凱薩琳高筋麵粉:300g
  2. 柳丁酵種:210g
  3. 白神酵母:1/4t(也可不加,因為時間有限,加一些節省發酵時間)
  4. 冰水:從 150g 開始慢慢加入,至麵糰可成糰,濕度夠
  5. 鹽:5.5g
  6. 奶油:30g
  7. 奇亞籽:1.5T

  • 【第一次發酵約 2~3 小時至兩倍大。】
  • 【取出第一次發酵好的麵糰,分成兩等份,滾圓,鬆弛 15 分鐘。】
  • 【取一份麵糰,稍微排氣桿平,寬度與吐司模同寬,捲起,折線朝下,放入吐司模一邊。另一個麵糰作法同,放入吐司模另一邊。】
  • 【第二次發酵至模具的八分滿,預熱烤箱。】

  1. Miele 6260,上下火,200 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 30 分鐘。



2018年10月29日 星期一

2018年10月28日 星期日

甜杏仁三重滋潤皂筆記 Notes For Avoiding Mistakes

Not happy with the texture.

  1. Use hand blender periodically. Most of the time, use a spatula or whisk to mix the batter. It won't take a long time to get trace.
  2. When mixing the batter, keep the temperature between 45 to 50 degrees Celsius.  This will ensure the butters to incorporate with other oils and won't cause white spots.
  3. Essential oil may cause quick trace, don't add too much. 

The following information is from:


Soap has small visible white spots all throughout:

1. Stearic Acid Spots (feel solid, smooth, waxy)
Reason: Hard fats such as palm, tallow, lard, butters, etc contain solid fatty acids (like stearic acid & palmitic acid) that need a higher temperature to melt, while other components of the fat melt more easily.
Solution: If your temperatures get too cold, the fatty acids in solid fats can start solidifying before they can react with the lye, and you can end up with stearic acid spots. Working with warmer temperatures can help in that case. If using palm oil, it’s recommended to completely melt and stir the oil every time you use it or you might have an uneven balance of fatty acids, leading to more spots in some batches.

山茶花潔顏皂 Camellia Facial Soap

  1. Sodium lactate: 2.5g
  2. Lavender e/o: 9g
  3. Gold powder: 0.5g 

* Mix with hand blender just periodically. Then use rubber spatula to stir the mixture. It reduces the air in the batter, which will result in smooth texture.

2018年10月27日 星期六


  1. 高筋麵粉:200g
  2. 速發乾酵母:2g
  3. 奶粉:4g
  4. 糖:少許
  5. 煉奶:28g
  6. 鹽: 3g 
  7. 無鹽奶油:10g
  8. 冰水:60g
  9. 鮮奶:75g




  1. Miele 6260,上下火,180 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 25 分鐘。

2018年10月25日 星期四

72% 橄欖皂 (馬賽皂)

  1. 3g sodium lactate
  2. Cedar wood essential oil + lavender essential oil 
  3. Green clay powder: 2.5g mix into oils

2018年10月24日 星期三


  1. 凱薩琳高筋麵粉:200g
  2. 速發乾酵母:2g
  3. 奶粉:4g
  4. 上白糖:16g
  5. 冰牛奶:140g+
  6. 鹽: 2g 
  7. 奶油:20g
  8. 巧克力磚:切碎適量
  9. 梅園糖漬橘皮丁:適量

  • 【第一次發酵約 2 小時至兩倍大。】
  • 【取出第一次發酵好的麵糰,分成兩等份,滾圓,鬆弛 20 分鐘。】
  • 【取一份麵糰,稍微排氣桿平,寬度與吐司模同寬,捲起,折線朝下,放入吐司模一邊。另一個麵糰作法同,放入吐司模另一邊。】
  • 【第二次發酵至模具的八分滿,預熱烤箱。】


  1. Miele 6260,上下火,210 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 25 分鐘。

2018年10月22日 星期一

洋甘菊潔顏皂 Chamomile Facial Soap

  1. Chamomile infused sweet almond oil
  2. Sodium lactate: 5g
  3. Chamomile butter (super fat, added at the end of the trace): 10g
  4. Rose pink mica 1g + 100g soap batter, mix together for pink color variation
  5. Gold power for pencil line
  6. 75% alcohol spray when finished to reduce soda ash

The following information is from: https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/troubleshooting-cold-process-soap-problems/#section33

Soap dries my skin out:

1. Coconut Oil Amount
Reason: Coconut oil is very cleansing when turned into soap and can be drying for some skin types.
Solution: Try reducing the amount of coconut oil down to 17 to 22% of the oils in the recipe. To offset loss of lather, add castor oil at 5 to 7%.
2. Lye Amount
Reason: A higher amount of lye can cause dryness.
Solution: Try increasing the superfat to 6, 7 or even 8%. This increases the amount of free oils in the soap, making it more conditioning. Double check that you used the correct amount of lye and that your scale is accurate. (Don’t ever measure lye by cups or tablespoons as it’s highly inaccurate.)
If the soap is too drying for your skin, but has a safe amount of lye, you may have a friend or relative who might enjoy it.

茉莉花洗顏皂 Jasmine Facial Soap

The following information is from: https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/troubleshooting-cold-process-soap-problems/#section33

Soap dries my skin out:

1. Coconut Oil Amount
Reason: Coconut oil is very cleansing when turned into soap and can be drying for some skin types.
Solution: Try reducing the amount of coconut oil down to 17 to 22% of the oils in the recipe. To offset loss of lather, add castor oil at 5 to 7%.
2. Lye Amount
Reason: A higher amount of lye can cause dryness.
Solution: Try increasing the superfat to 6, 7 or even 8%. This increases the amount of free oils in the soap, making it more conditioning. Double check that you used the correct amount of lye and that your scale is accurate. (Don’t ever measure lye by cups or tablespoons as it’s highly inaccurate.)
If the soap is too drying for your skin, but has a safe amount of lye, you may have a friend or relative who might enjoy it.

The purpose of this soap is to give the skin more conditioning.

  1. Jasmine infused sweet almond oil
  2. 3.5g sodium lactate
  3. Jasmine essential oil: 10g
  4. Pink mica 0.7g + soap batter 70g 
  5. Gold powder as pencil line
  6. 75% alcohol spray when finished to reduce soda ash



  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉:200g
  2. 檸檬酵種:140g
  3. 白神酵母:1/4t(懶得等待,加一些白神酵母)
  4. 上白糖:20g
  5. 黑橄欖+綠橄欖:10 顆+10 顆(一起和進麵粉中,不用切,可再增加)
  6. 橄欖罐頭汁:40g
  7. 冰水:從 50g 開始慢慢加入,至麵糰可成糰,濕度夠
  8. 鹽: 4g 
  9. 奶油:20g
  10. 培根:3 條

  • 【第一次發酵約 2 小時至兩倍大。】
  • 【取出第一次發酵好的麵糰,分成兩等份,滾圓,鬆弛 20 分鐘。】
  • 【取一份麵糰,稍微排氣桿平,寬度與吐司模同寬,捲起,折線朝下,放入吐司模一邊。另一個麵糰作法同,放入吐司模另一邊。】
  • 【第二次發酵至模具的八分滿,預熱烤箱。】

  1. Miele 6260,上下火,210 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 35~40 分鐘。



2018年10月21日 星期日



  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉:200g
  2. 檸檬酵種:140g
  3. 白神酵母:1/4t(懶得等待,加一些白神酵母)
  4. 上白糖:20g
  5. 黑橄欖:15顆(一起和進麵粉中,不用切,可再增加)
  6. 黑橄欖罐頭汁:40g
  7. 冰水:從 50g 開始慢慢加入,至麵糰可成糰,濕度夠
  8. 鹽:1/4t (應該要加至 4g 比較夠鹹)
  9. 奶油:剩約 10g

  • 【第一次發酵約 3 小時至兩倍大。】
  • 【取出第一次發酵好的麵糰,分成兩等份,滾圓,鬆弛 20 分鐘。】
  • 【取一份麵糰,稍微排氣桿平,寬度與吐司模同寬,捲起,折線朝下,放入吐司模一邊。另一個麵糰作法同,放入吐司模另一邊。】
  • 【第二次發酵至模具的八分滿,預熱烤箱。】

  1. Miele 6260,上下火,210 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 33 分鐘,放涼之後會稍乾,應該烤 25~30 分鐘即可。



2018年10月20日 星期六

酪梨橄欖可可皂 Avocado/Olive/Cocoa Soap

The following information is from:


Soap has small visible white spots all throughout:

1. Stearic Acid Spots (feel solid, smooth, waxy)
Reason: Hard fats such as palm, tallow, lard, butters, etc contain solid fatty acids (like stearic acid & palmitic acid) that need a higher temperature to melt, while other components of the fat melt more easily.
Solution: If your temperatures get too cold, the fatty acids in solid fats can start solidifying before they can react with the lye, and you can end up with stearic acid spots. Working with warmer temperatures can help in that case. If using palm oil, it’s recommended to completely melt and stir the oil every time you use it or you might have an uneven balance of fatty acids, leading to more spots in some batches.

  1. 3.5g Sodium lactate
  2. Gold powder: 0.7g plus 70g soap batter for variation
  3. Pencil line: purple powder
  4. Rose geranium essential oil
  5. Elderberry tea ice cubes + some distill water = 113.5g as lye solution

2018年10月19日 星期五



  1. 阿瓦隆高筋麵粉:300g
  2. 檸檬酵種:200g
  3. 白神酵母:1/4t
  4. 蜂蜜:50g
  5. 冰水:從 150g 開始慢慢加入,至麵糰可成糰,濕度夠
  6. 鹽:5g
  7. 奶油:35g

  • 【第一次發酵約 3 小時至兩倍大。】
  • 【取出第一次發酵好的麵糰,分成兩等份,滾圓,鬆弛 20 分鐘。】
  • 【取一份麵糰,稍微排氣桿平,寬度與吐司模同寬,捲起,折線朝下,放入吐司模一邊。另一個麵糰作法同,放入吐司模另一邊。】
  • 【第二次發酵至模具的八分滿,預熱烤箱。】

  1. Miele 6260,上下火,210 度 C,層二。
  2. 約烤 45 分鐘。



多重滋潤皂 Multi-Moisturizing Soap

  1. 3.5g sodium lactate
  2. Chamomile blend butter replaced avocado butter
  3. Used sage juice as lye water
  4. Unscented 
  5. Gold powder and charcoal powder for decoration

2018年10月17日 星期三

蘆薈皂 Aloe Vera Soap

Aloe vera powder will make the soap brown.

Adding green mica to make a twist.

  1. 雪松精油 + 些許佛手柑精油/cedarwood + bergamot essential oils:11g
  2. 新鮮蘆薈汁/Fresh aloe vera juice:50g
  3. 蘆薈粉/aloe vera powder:1t
  4. 綠色皂色液/green mica oil:4g + 60g (皂糊/soap batter)

2018年10月14日 星期日

2018年10月12日 星期五

Elderberry Soap 甜杏仁接骨木皂

Elderberry flower tea. 

Strain the elderberry tea and freeze it. Use it as lye water.

Elderberry infused sweet almond oil. Quick infusion, double boiling
the oil for at least two hours.

Weigh shea butter and melt it before mixing with other oils.

Lye water and oil

  1. Elderberry tea
  2. Elderberry flower infused sweet almond oil
  3. Elderberry flower and leaves infused sunflower oil
  4. 3.5g Sodium lactate
  5. Rose geranium + lavender essential oil total 10.5g
  6. Red and yellow mica