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今天用 14cm 淺井加高戚風蛋糕模來做原味戚風。 因為買的但比較小顆,以三蛋配方,用這個魔剛剛好! 14cm Tall Chiffon Cake Mold is perfect for smaller eggs. This mold is designed for 3-egg recipe. |
- 蛋黃/Egg yolk:3 個
- 日本和田製糖:本和香糖/Sugar:23g(風味柔和,色澤乳白,甜度最高,礦物質少。這是比較和田製糖三種糖,分別是上赤糖亞麻、上赤糖琥珀、本和香糖。參考烘培木作坊網站。)Japan has a wide range of sugar. Different sugar has different scent, flavor, and sweetness. If you can't find one, just use your favorite sugar.
- 水/Water:25g
- 葵花籽油/Sunflower oil:30g
- 低粉/Cake flour:55g
【蛋白霜 / Meringue】
- 蛋白/Egg White:3個
- 海藻糖/Sugar:45g (The sugar I use is less sweet and very delicate)
{How To Beat Meringue} 打到 6 分發。KA 5Q 抬頭式攪拌機,速度 4。(KitchenAid 5Q Stand Mixer, speed 4. Keep on counting the time, even when stopped for adding sugar.)
- 第一分鐘,打出粗泡,加入1/3 糖。(Whisk egg white for 1 min and add 1/3 of the sugar)
- 大約第二分鐘,再加入 1/3 糖。(Around after 2 mins add 1/3 of the sugar)
- 大約第三分鐘,再加入剩下的糖。(Around after 3 mins add the rest of the sugar)
- 這次共攪拌 6 分鐘。Beat till Medium SOFT peak. It took around 6 mins today.
【混合蛋糕糊 / Mixing Egg Yolk Batter And Meringue】
- 把 1/3 蛋白霜加入蛋黃糊中,輕拌均勻。(Scrape 1/3 of meringue and add to egg yolk batter. I will scrape the outer part of the meringue. Then gently mix well.)
- 再把 1 的混合物倒入剩下的蛋白霜中,輕拌均勻。(Then pour the mixer of 1. to meringue. Gently mix well. This should be done in 30 seconds if your meringue is in good soft condition.)
- 把蛋糕糊倒入模具中,平整表面。(Pour the cake batter in the mold. )
【烤程 / Baking Settings】 Miele 6260. Upper/Bottom Heating Function/180 ℃
- 上下火預熱至 180 度℃。(Preheat the oven to 180℃)
- 將蛋糕模放於層 2 。(Put the cake mold on shelf 2)
- 溫度降為 170 度,10 分鐘後取出劃 6 條線,然後將蛋糕模放層 2。(After putting the cake mold in the oven, turn down the temperature to 170 ℃. After 10 mins of baking, take the mold out and draw 6 lines on the top surface of the cake. Put the mold back to shelf 2)
- 續烤 15 分鐘。看蛋糕上色情況,膨脹到最後會回縮,這時便可取出。輕摔整個模具排出空氣,然後倒扣放涼。全涼之後,我會把整個模具放進較大的塑膠袋放進冰箱冷藏最少 20 分鐘,如此會更好脫模。(Continue baking for another 15 mins. The cake will rise over the mold, when it goes down, it's time to take the mold out from the oven. Drop the mold from higher above the counter, then keep the mold upside down. After it cools down, I will put the whole mold in a plastic bag and put it in fridge for at least 20 mins before unmold the cake.)