- 混合所有材料,攪拌均勻,可蓋上保鮮膜,放置於溫暖處。Mix well all the ingredients in a sterilized glass bottle. Cover with lid or plastic wrap. And place the bottle in a warm place.
- 接下來的每一天早晚或想到時,就可以搖晃瓶子,讓材料混合。Shake the bottle every morning and evening.
- 慢慢的會有許多的泡泡產生,約 5~7 天泡泡會非常多,此時的酵母液已完成,可濾掉水果,把酵母液冷藏,或開始餵養水果種(所謂的天然酵母)。冷藏的酵母液可替代配方中的液體及酵母,比例和發酵時間需多嘗試。水果酵母液或剛開始以麵粉餵養的水果酵種帶有原水果香氣,很特別,餵養久後味道會消失(只剩發酵味),個人對長時間餵養的酵母沒有偏好,也不覺得它很厲害,反倒喜歡新鮮的水果風味。Gradually, there will be bubbles rising up, more and more. Around 5~7 days, you can strain the fruit and keep the yeast water in fridge.