【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients】
- 法國麵包粉 / Baguette Flour:150g
- 檸檬種/Lime yeast starter:100g
This is the lime yeast water after adding flour. Usually water and flour ratio is 1:1.- 糖 / Sugar:12g
- 水 / Water:75g+
- 鹽 / Salt:3g
【餡料/Olives Mixture】
- 黑橄欖/Black Olives:10 顆切丁/chopped
- 紅心綠橄欖/Green Stuffed Olives:10 顆切丁/chopped
- 百里香/Thyme:1t
- 黑胡椒粗鹽/Black Pepper and Salt:1/2t
【作法】請看 Bruno 的影片,非常清楚易做/Check Bruno's video:【Provencal Olive Fougasse】. 使用【KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer】
- 所有材料以低速攪拌約 4 分鐘,蓋上濕布,發酵 1 小時。Mix all the ingredients with paddle attachment on low speed for around 4 mins. Cover the bowl with a wet towel and let the dough ferment for 1 hr.
- 1小時後,加入餡料,再攪拌 10 秒左右,蓋上濕布,靜置 1 小時。After 1 hr, add olives mixture in and start to mix with hook attachment for 10 sec. Remove the hook, cover with a wet towel and let it rest for another hour.
- 1 小時後,翻麵,再放回容器中,蓋上濕布,再發酵 1 小時。After 1 hr, transfer the dough onto a floured counter top, degas the dough and round it. Then put it back to the bowl and let it ferment for another hour.
- 取出麵糰,拍出大空氣,整形,最終發酵 1 小時。 Take the dough out, degas, and shape it. Put the shaped dough on the lined baking tray and continue the last fermentation for 1 hour.
- Bake
【烤程 / Baking Settings】 Miele 6260, Shelf 1, Pizza Stone
- 加濕功能預熱至 250℃,比薩石放層 1。Function: Moisture Plus/ preheat the oven to 250℃/Pizza Stone on shelf 1.
- 預熱完成後,放進麵糰,先烤 10 分鐘看情況。Put the dough on pizza stone, bake for 10 mins and check the condition.
- 10分鐘時先檢查麵包表面是否上色夠了,如夠了就蓋上鋁箔紙續烤 5 分鐘。Around 10 mins, check the surface of the bread to see if it darkens enough. If it's already dark, cover the bread with foil and continue to bake for 5 mis.