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今天的發酵時間不夠 |
【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients】
- 高筋麵粉 / Bread Flour:260g
- 白神酵母 / 白神こだま酵母 Yeast:5g
- 糖 / Sugar:20g
- 肉桂粉 / Cinnamon powder:2t
- 水 / Water:170g+
- 鹽 / Salt:4g
- 無鹽奶油 / Unsalted butter:18g
- 巧克力豆 / Chocolate chips:1T
- 蔓越莓乾/Dried cranberries:1T
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
- 材料 1~5 以低速攪拌,快成糰時,加入鹽。Mix ingredients 1~5 on low speed. While the dough is nearly formed, add salt.
- 在麵糰有些粗糙時,便可加入小塊小塊的奶油丁,分次加入,每次讓麵糰完全與奶油融合後,再加入奶油。Mix for another couple of minutes. When the dough looks rough, add butter cubes one at a time. After the dough and the butter are incorporated together, add the next butter cube.
- 打至撐出薄膜。
- If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
- 加入巧克力豆和蔓越梅乾,慢速拌勻。Add chocolate chips and dried cranberries and mix well by low speed.
- 滾圓,放入容器,進行第一次發酵,約3~4小時,要膨脹至兩倍大。 Round the dough and put it in a bowl. Cover with a wet towel. First rise till double in size. It may take over 3 hours if using 白神こだま酵母.
- 取出第一次發酵完成的麵糰,分成 6 等份,滾圓,鬆弛 10 分鐘。Divide the dough into 6 equal portions. Round the dough, cover with a wet towel, and let it rest for 10 mins.
- 鬆弛後,每一份再滾圓,放入模具,六份都這樣做。進行第二次發酵,約需1小時。After 10 mins, round every dough again and put it in the mold. Continue doing this for the rest of the dough. Then put the mold in wet and warm place to rise for at least 60 mins.
- 烤箱預熱至210度C,約烤18分鐘。Preheat the oven to 210℃, bake for about 18 mins.
【烤程 / Baking Settings】 Miele 6260, Shelf 2
- 上下火預熱至 210 度C。Function: {Top/bottom heating}, preheat the oven to 210℃.
- 放層2。Put the mold on shelf 2.
- 10分鐘時先檢查麵包表面是否上色夠了,如夠了就蓋上鋁箔紙續烤。Around 10 mins, check the surface of the bread to see if it darkens enough. If it's already dark, cover the bread with foil and continue to bake.