2020年3月30日 星期一

家事皂 Dish Soap Bar

It's funny that I really enjoy these dish soap bars!

The shreds are easily dissolved in water, and good for washing dishes!

Some can be shreds, some can be bars. Both are good!


My family loves chocolate and cranberries.

【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 凱薩琳麵包粉/Bread flour:100%(200g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:70%(140g)

  3. 檸檬酵母液/Lime yeast water starter:55g(欲知如何培養請連結:【檸檬酵母液之培養】 If you are interested in growing fruit yeast water starter, please check the link: 【Growing Fruit Water Starter】
  4. 水/Water:70g
  5. 糖/Sugar:27g
  6. 鹽 / Salt:5g
  7. 蔓越莓/Cranberries:1T
  8. 巧克力豆/Chocolate chips:2T
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~6 加入攪拌缸,用槳狀配件,以低速攪拌 2 分鐘。Put ingredients 1~6 in the mixing bowl. Use paddle attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed for 2 mins.
  2. 停機,蓋上濕布,讓麵糰靜置 1 小時,這又點像自我水解,但用掉更長的時間。Stop the machine, cover the mixing bowl with a wet towel, and let the dough rest for 1 hours. It is like autolyze, but for a much longer time.
  3. 1 小時後,加入蔓越莓及巧克力豆,以麵糰勾配件慢速攪拌 20 ,停機,取出麵糰,滾圓,放回攪拌缸,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。After 1 hours, put cranberries in the dough. Use dough hook attachment to mix for 20 seconds. Remove the dough on a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it back to the mixing bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double the size.  
  4. 取出第一次發酵完成的麵糰,滾圓,放進已經撒上麵粉的籐籃,進行第二次發酵,約1.5 小時。After the first fermentation, remove the dough from the mixing bowl and put it on a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it in a floured banneton basket. Let the dough ferment for 1.5 hours.
  5. 烤箱預熱至230℃,約烤18分鐘。Preheat the oven to 230℃, bake for about 18 mins.

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260 / Moisture Plus / 2 / 230℃
  1. 加濕功能/Moisture plus:2.
  2. 預熱至 230 度 / Preheat to 230℃.
  3. 麵糰放入烤箱,前10分鐘,先放層架3/For the first 10 mins, put the dough on shelf 3.
  4. 烤 10 分鐘後,移至層架 2,降溫至 210℃,蓋上鋁箔紙,續烤 8 分鐘左右。After baking for 10 mins, move to shelf 2. Turn down the temperature to 210℃. Continue baking for another 8 mins.

2020年3月29日 星期日

天然檸檬種麵包 Lime Starter Bread

【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 法國麵包粉/Baguette flour:100%(200g)
  2. 檸檬種/Lime starter:70%(140g)

  3. 檸檬酵母液/Lime yeast water starter:55g(欲知如何培養請連結:【檸檬酵母液之培養】 If you are interested in growing fruit yeast water starter, please check the link: 【Growing Fruit Water Starter】
  4. 水/Water:55g
  5. 糖/Sugar:27g
  6. 鹽 / Salt:5g
  7. 蔓越梅/Cranberries:2T
【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
  1. 材料 1~6 加入攪拌缸,用槳狀配件,以低速攪拌 2 分鐘。Put ingredients 1~6 in the mixing bowl. Use paddle attachment to mix the ingredients on low speed for 2 mins.
  2. 停機,蓋上濕布,讓麵糰靜置 1 小時,這又點像自我水解,但用掉更長的時間。Stop the machine, cover the mixing bowl with a wet towel, and let the dough rest for 1 hours. It is like autolyze, but for a much longer time.
  3. 1 小時後,加入蔓越梅,以麵糰勾配件慢速攪拌 20 ,停機,取出麵糰,滾圓,放回攪拌缸,進行第一次發酵,至少兩小時或至膨脹兩倍大。After 1 hours, put cranberries in the dough. Use dough hook attachment to mix for 20 seconds. Remove the dough on a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it back to the mixing bowl. Cover with a wet towel and let it ferment for at least 2 hours or double the size.  
  4. 取出第一次發酵完成的麵糰,滾圓,放進已經撒上麵粉的籐籃,進行第二次發酵,約1.5 小時。After the first fermentation, remove the dough from the mixing bowl and put it on a floured surface. Round up the dough and put it in a floured banneton basket. Let the dough ferment for 1.5 hours.
  5. 烤箱預熱至230℃,約烤22分鐘。Preheat the oven to 230℃, bake for about 22 mins.

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260 / Moisture Plus / 2 / 230℃
  1. 加濕功能/Moisture plus:2.
  2. 預熱至 230 度 / Preheat to 230℃.
  3. 麵糰放入烤箱,前10分鐘,先放層架3/For the first 10 mins, put the dough on shelf 3.
  4. 烤 10 分鐘後,移至層架 2,降溫至 210℃,蓋上鋁箔紙,續烤 12 分鐘左右。After baking for 10 mins, move to shelf 2. Turn down the temperature to 210℃. Continue baking for another 12 mins.

2020年3月28日 星期六

家事皂 Dish Soap Bar

Dissolve the soap shreds in water. Wear gloves when washing dishes for the soap has strong cleaning power.






【今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
  1. 小麥粉/Wheat flour
  2. 法國麵包粉/Baguette flour
  3. 檸檬種/Lime starter
  4. 檸檬酵母液/Lime yeast water starter(欲知如何培養請連結:【檸檬酵母液之培養】
    If you are interested in creating fruit yeast water starter, you can check the link: 【Creating Fruit Water Starter】
  5. 水/Water


  6. 糖/Sugar
  7. 鹽 / Salt

【烤程/Oven Settings:Miele 6260 / Moisture Plus / 2 / 230℃
  1. 加濕功能/Moisture plus:2.
  2. 預熱至 230 度 / Preheat to 230℃.
  3. 麵糰放入烤箱,前10分鐘,先放層架3/For first 10 mins, put the dough on shelf 3.
  4. 烤 10 分鐘後,移至層架 2,今天有降溫至 210℃,續烤 5 分鐘左右。After baking for 10 mins, move to shelf 2, and turn down the temperature to 210℃. Continue baking for another 5 mins or so.

2020年3月27日 星期五


  1. 完全以檸檬酵種發酵,與麵粉比例為 1:1。水量慢慢加。
  2. 麵糰打法參照 Bruno 扁麵包作法。2mins+2mins ---> 休息1小時 ---> 加入餡料,攪拌 20 秒 ---> 休 2 小時或至兩倍大 ---> 切割、鬆弛、整形 ---> 最終發酵約 1 小時。
【烤箱設定】Miele 6260 
  1. 加濕功能
  2. 加濕 2 次
  3. 230℃
  4. 層三,烤 10 分鐘
  5. 層二,降至 210℃,約烤 3 分鐘

檸檬酵母液の培養 Growing Lime Yeast Water

【水果酵母液材料比例 Ratio】

  1. 混合所有材料,攪拌均勻,可蓋上保鮮膜,放置於溫暖處。Mix well all the ingredients in a sterilized glass bottle. Cover with lid or plastic wrap. And place the bottle in a warm place.
  2. 接下來的每一天早晚或想到時,就可以搖晃瓶子,讓材料混合。Shake the bottle every morning and evening. 
  3. 慢慢的會有許多的泡泡產生,約 5~7 天泡泡會非常多,此時的酵母液已完成,可濾掉水果,把酵母液冷藏,或開始餵養水果種(所謂的天然酵母)。冷藏的酵母液可替代配方中的液體及酵母,比例和發酵時間需多嘗試。水果酵母液或剛開始以麵粉餵養的水果酵種帶有原水果香氣,很特別,餵養久後味道會消失(只剩發酵味),個人對長時間餵養的酵母沒有偏好,也不覺得它很厲害,反倒喜歡新鮮的水果風味。Gradually, there will be bubbles rising up, more and more. Around 5~7 days, you can strain the fruit and keep the yeast  water in fridge.

【Lime Starter】Flour:Lime yeast water=1:1


No-bake Cheesecake


1. 餅底/For the crust(6吋活動圓模)
  • 胡桃/Pecan:1/2 cup
  • 杏仁粉/Almond powder:1/2 cup
  • 肉桂粉/Cinnamon powder:Some
  • 糖/Sugar:As you like
  • 鹽/Salt:As you like
  • 椰子油/Coconut oil:2~3T 至可以把餅底混合物凝結

2. 主餡料/For the cheesecake
  • Cream cheese:1 包
  • 蜂蜜/Honey:As you like
  • 鮮奶油/Whipping cream:150g
  • 檸檬汁/Fresh lemon juice:2T


  1. Grease a 6” springform pan with coconut oil, or line an 6” cake pan with strips of parchment paper for easy removal, and grease well with coconut oil. Set aside. (6 吋活動圓模底部鋪上烤盤紙,周圍可放透明圍邊)
  2. Put the crackers into a food processor or high-powered blender and pulverize until it comes together into a sort of sticky dough. Press the cracker dough evenly along the bottom of the prepared pan.(把餅底餡料放入食物調理機,斷斷續續打至粗粒狀,加入椰子油,用手抓均勻,取出餅底餡放入模具,壓緊實,放入冰箱冷凍)
  3. In the same food processor or high-powered blender (no need to wash between - I used my Vitamix, but most powerful blenders should do the job), combine all of the filling ingredients except for the freeze dried blueberries and blend for about 2 minutes, or until the mixture is silky smooth and creamy. Scrape down the sides as necessary. You may need to add a bit more coconut milk or lemon juice to get it to blend smoothly if your blender isn’t super high-powered.(使用 Vitamix 以高速攪拌所有餡料,約需 2 分鐘,呈現非常綿密細緻的狀態)
  4. Once it’s smooth, taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness/tartness/spice levels, if desired.(調整口味)
  5. In another mixing bowl, add 100g~150g whipping cream and whip till slightly stiff. (用另一個攪拌缸打發約100~150g鮮奶油)
  6. Pour #5 whipped cream into #4, and mix them together till totally incorporated. (把#5倒入#4中攪拌均勻)
  7.  Pour the filling into the prepared pan over the crust. Smooth out the top and tap the pan hard against the counter a few times to release any air bubbles. Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top of the filling. Place in the freezer.(取出模具,倒入餡料,輕敲出氣泡,撒上巧克力豆放入冷凍)
  8. Place in the freezer to set for at least 3 hours or until completely firm before slicing and serving. I recommend running your knife under hot water to warm it up before cutting the cheesecake with the still-hot (dried) knife.(最少冷凍 3 小時)
  9. Serve frozen or let them thaw at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving. Store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.(回溫 10~15 分鐘再享用)

2020年3月25日 星期三

Gentle Soap 溫和皂

溫和皂 Gentle Soap
厚度 3 cm

    1. Sodium lactate: 6g added to lye water when the temperature of the lye water decreases below 50℃.
    2. 5% shea butter (18g) added when the batter nearly gets to trace. This is for the purpose of extra moisturizing, acting as super fat.
    3. Pencil line: 玫瑰粉
    4. Finish with 75% alcohol spray to prevent soda ash.
    5.  Place the mold into a box and cover the lid. 

    2020年3月23日 星期一

    多肉植物 Succulents

    Useful link:
    {How to Plant Succulents}

    金錢薄荷 Ground Ivy

    以下文章取自: https://life.ximo.com.tw/庭前花草無上寶/70324983.html


    2020年3月22日 星期日



    1. 餅底/For the crust(6吋活動圓模)
    • 消化餅乾/Cracker:5 片
    • 椰子油/Coconut oil:3~4T 至可把打碎的消化餅乾凝結
    • 蔓越莓乾/Dried cranberries:10 顆

    2. 餡料/For the cheesecake
    • Cream cheese:1 包
    • 蜂蜜/Honey
    • 鮮奶油/Whipping cream:150g
    • 檸檬汁/Fresh lemon juice:2T

    3. 表面裝飾/Decoration
    • Hershey's chocolate chips

    1. Grease a 6” springform pan with coconut oil, or line an 6” cake pan with strips of parchment paper for easy removal, and grease well with coconut oil. Set aside. (6 吋活動圓模底部鋪上烤盤紙,周圍可放透明圍邊)
    2. Put the crackers into a food processor or high-powered blender and pulverize until it comes together into a sort of sticky dough. Press the cracker dough evenly along the bottom of the prepared pan.(把餅底餡料放入食物調理機,斷斷續續打至粗粒狀,加入椰子油,用手抓均勻,取出餅底餡放入模具,壓緊實,放入冰箱冷凍)
    3. In the same food processor or high-powered blender (no need to wash between - I used my Vitamix, but most powerful blenders should do the job), combine all of the filling ingredients except for the freeze dried blueberries and blend for about 2 minutes, or until the mixture is silky smooth and creamy. Scrape down the sides as necessary. You may need to add a bit more coconut milk or lemon juice to get it to blend smoothly if your blender isn’t super high-powered.(使用 Vitamix 以高速攪拌所有餡料,約需 2 分鐘,呈現非常綿密細緻的狀態)
    4. Once it’s smooth, taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness/tartness/spice levels, if desired.(調整口味)
    5. In another mixing bowl, add 100g~150g whipping cream and whip till slightly stiff. (用另一個攪拌缸打發約100~150g鮮奶油)
    6. Pour #5 whipped cream into #4, and mix them together till totally incorporated. (把#5倒入#4中攪拌均勻)
    7.  Pour the filling into the prepared pan over the crust. Smooth out the top and tap the pan hard against the counter a few times to release any air bubbles. Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top of the filling. Place in the freezer.(取出模具,倒入餡料,輕敲出氣泡,撒上巧克力豆放入冷凍)
    8. Place in the freezer to set for at least 3 hours or until completely firm before slicing and serving. I recommend running your knife under hot water to warm it up before cutting the cheesecake with the still-hot (dried) knife.(最少冷凍 3 小時)
    9. Serve frozen or let them thaw at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving. Store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.(回溫 10~15 分鐘再享用)

    巧克力十字麵包 Chocolate Hot Cross Buns





    今日材料 / Today's Ingredients
    1. 凱薩琳高筋麵粉 / Bread flour:200g
      1. 檸檬種/Lime yeast starter:100g
    2. 速發乾酵母/Instant dry yeast:2.5g
    3. 糖 / Sugar:20g 
    4. 肉桂粉 / Cinnamon powder:2t
    5. 肉豆蔻粉/Ground nutmeg:1/4t
    6. 蛋/Egg:1 顆 (54g)
    7. 水/Water:70g+ 
    8. 鹽 / Salt:4g
    9. 無鹽奶油 / Unsalted butter:20g
    10. 巧克力豆 / Chocolate chips:3T

    【表面裝飾/The Cross 】
    1. 麵粉/Flour
    2. 水/Water (or milk)

    【作法】KitchenAid 7Q Stand Mixer
    1. 材料 1~7 以低速攪拌,快成糰時,加入鹽。Mix ingredients 1~7 on low speed. While the dough is nearly formed, add salt.
    2. 在麵糰有些粗糙時,便可加入小塊小塊的奶油丁,分次加入,每次讓麵糰完全與奶油融合後,再加入奶油。Mix for another couple of minutes. When the dough looks rough, add butter cubes one at a time. After the dough and the butter are incorporated together, add the next butter cube.
    3. 打至撐出薄膜。
    4. If you are unsure if the dough has been kneaded enough, you can do the "windowpane" test. Remove a small bit of dough (about the size of a golf ball) and hold it between your thumb and first two fingers of each hand so the dough is in front of you. Then, gently pull your fingers and thumbs away from each other to stretch out the dough. If the dough doesn't break, it means you have kneaded it enough; if the membrane pulls apart, you need to knead it a bit more. (from: https://www.thespruceeats.com/kneading-dough-bread-baking-for-beginners-427562)
    5. 加入巧克力豆,慢速拌勻。Add chocolate chips, and mix well on low speed.
    6. 滾圓,放入容器,進行第一次發酵,約3小時,要膨脹至兩倍大。 Round the dough and put it in a bowl. Cover with a wet towel. First rise till double in size. It may take over 3 hours.
    7. 取出第一次發酵完成的麵糰,分成 6 等份,滾圓,鬆弛 10 分鐘。Divide the dough into 6 equal portions. Round the dough, cover with a wet towel, and let it rest for 10 mins.
    8. 鬆弛後,每一份再滾圓,放入模具,六份都這樣做。進行第二次發酵,約需1小時。After 10 mins, round every dough again and put it in the mold. Continue doing this for the rest of the dough. Then put the mold in wet and warm place to rise for at least 60 mins.
    9. 烤箱預熱至210度C,約烤22分鐘。Preheat the oven to 210℃, bake for about 22 mins.

    【烤程 / Baking Settings】  Miele 6260, Shelf 2
    1. 上下火預熱至 210 度C。Function: {Top/bottom heating}, preheat the oven to 210℃.
    2. 放層2。Put the mold on shelf 2.
    3. 10分鐘時先檢查麵包表面是否上色夠了,如夠了就蓋上鋁箔紙續烤。Around 10 mins, check the surface of the bread to see if it darkens enough. If it's already dark, cover the bread with foil and continue to bake.