2016年7月2日 星期六

作皂手札 3 My Handmade Soap Notebook


  1. 酪梨油(99/0.134):適乾性肌膚。細緻且持續的泡沫。
  2. 米糠油(70/0.128):熟齡。易起泡。
  3. 芝麻油(81/0.133):抗老化。細緻有彈性的泡沫。
  4. 蓖麻油(95/0.1286):起泡度高,透明感的皂,泡沫具黏性,易軟。
  5. 芥花油(56/0.1324):保濕,泡沫溫和細緻。
  6. 甜杏仁油(97/0.136):適嬰兒。泡沫細緻滋潤。
  7. 乳油木果脂(116/0.128):泡沫像乳霜一樣綿密。保濕防曬。

  1. Coconut Oil: at least 20% in order to create bubbles and increase cleaning power, meanwhile increase the INS. For me, I like the soap to have INS at 145 and above. Coconut oil is the best material to achieve it. However, the cleaning power may make me feel dry. I'd like to use good coconut oil, and shea butter for super fatting.
  2. Super Fatting with Shea Butter for face & body soap: 5% 

